Saturday, August 1, 2015

July, bro

Vegas, baby;

I finally went to Vegas!! Yes, I know right? I felt like I was the only one in this world that hasn't gone. The bf and I met up with my East Coast fams and it was SO great to finally have him meet the rest of my family. Went way over my calorie count, took loads of photos, hiked part of the Grand Canyon and blew my money on clothes. But the best part of the vacation was being able to see my family and just spending time with my dad.

ATG / 101;

July marks a special date in my life. Without going into too much detail, let's just say my faith was renewed and strengthened again. People may be lost in the world, but I am so thankful I have a guiding light. (Plus, we always get to rock our Sunday Best!)


Foreal though, how many people say they have found a group of friends who they know will be there for them at all times of the day? After years of going through fake friends who put in half the effort, I have finally found the core group of people that I know will be with me through the long haul. They're the first ones I think of whenever there's an event coming up. It's true. Within 4 days in July, we bought tickets to the Women's FIFA World Cup (Canada vs. England), Miguel, Kevin Hart Tour, and the Raptors vs. Clippers game. Not to mention the 6 hour long hike this coming weekend! I could start and end every weekend with these guys. 


I have crazy tendencies, but he never fails to calm me down. If I had to list down all the things he does for me on the daily, it would take up a whole other blog. So for now, let me just say, I'm definitely lucky to have this one in my life.

Well, it's the long weekend over here. So that means more time for fun ;) Tomorrow, prep for #Garabaldeezy2015 and carb up for our 6 hour hike! I promise I'll do my best to update more often. (Yeah, cuz I have so many followers...)

Till next time,


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